Journey through 140 miles of iconic Americana on Route 66! The Route 66 UltraRun follows the longest remaining unbroken stretched of Route 66, from Seligman to Topock66, AZ.
During the Route 66 UltraRun you will cover 140 miles of historic Americana on foot, supported by a dedicated crew of 2-24 people. Or, if you’ve decided to complete the Route as a team or 4, 5, or 6 people, you and your teammates will take turns running, crewing, and resting. The ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND RESOURCES document is divided into two sections. The first section provides a description of the race course by segments, with detailed information regarding specific locations where runners need to cross the road, the turns to stay on Historic Route 66, important notes, and tips. The second section provides detailed information about resources along the Route, including shopping, gas stations, restrooms, restaurants, drug stores, and towing and auto repair, as well as information about the iconic stops along the way. It also provides information about emergency resources, including phone numbers for your RDs, medical staff, race marshals, and first responders along the Route.
Each runner/crew and each Relay Team must print out this document and bring it with them to race check in and keep the document in their crew/team vehicle during the race.
In addition, each runner/crew and each Relay Team should download the Route 66 UltraRun Forms and print out this forms, complete the forms as directed, and bring out the COMPLETED forms to the pre-race meeting. The shared medical information form for each runner, crew, and team member must be kept in the crew/team vehicle during the race as a resource in case any medical intervention is needed during the race.
You will see the entire racecourse, from Race Mile (RM) 0 in Seligman all the way to RM 140 at Topock66. Be sure to select the mountain icon on the lower left to see the elevation profile on the bottom part of the page. In overview, you’ll see other landmarks including Peach Springs, Hackberry, Antares, Kingman, and Oatman able to see how many miles (the RM) you will have covered when you get there – and maybe stop to say hello to the amazing folks that run the businesses. Scroll along the Route and you’ll see the exact elevation of the each point on the course on the elevation profile. To identify key points, for example road crossings and turns, zoom in. For example:
The map above shows the Route 66 UltraRun Course from Seligman to Topock66, including the three Time Stations at Peach Springs, Kingman, and Oatman.
When Heather and I did a scouting drive along the Route, to paraphrase Sally Carrera from the movie Cars, ‘We fell in love with the idea of how cars used to come across the country a whole different way. The road didn’t cut through the land. It moved with the land. It rose, it fell, it curved. Cars drove on it to have a great time.’ We want you to get an even more intimate glimpse into that time; a time before I-40.
Travel through rolling grassland dotted with Burma Shave signs, wide open valleys where cows graze and trains carry America’s commerce, pinyon pine and juniper forests that smell fresher than morning dew, sun-kissed deserts with forests of cacti, and marshland protecting waterfowl and migrating birds.
Savor the sights, greet the locals along the way. Take plenty of photos and make lots of memories. Because you see, America still has a Main Street. You can discover it in the most intimate way possible: one step at a time for runners, and a few miles at a time for your crew. We think you’ll fall in love, just like we did.
During the Route 66 UltraRun runners will cover 140 miles of historic Americana, supported by a crew of two to four people.
This, and every, year the race will start on November 11 (see ROUTE 66 HISTORY for information about why), with pre-race check in and meeting in Seligman, AZ the evening of November 10. The race will start at 7AM on November 11 in front of Angel & Vilma Delgadillo’s Original Route 66 Gift Shop. The first mile runners will follow classic ‘pace cars’ through Seligman and must travel together as a pack. After the first mile, runners may proceed at their own pace with support from their crew, and may start using a pacer.
Note that the mile post (MP) sign at the start is mile 140, thus the MP at the finish at Topock66 Colorado River is MP 0. This means that the race miles (RM) are not the same as the MPs. The race information typically uses the RMs, not the MPs, to identify locations; that is, how far the runner has moved forward along the course. For example, Seligman is RM 0, Grand Canyon Caverns is RM 37, Hackberry General Store is RM 60, Cool Springs is RM 107, and the finish is RM 140.
Runners and/or their crew must check in at each time station, although there are no established time cutoffs. The overall race cutoff is 60 hours (*note for runners 70 and over), so runners and their crew must be at the finish line at Topock66 Colorado River, AZ by 7PM November 13.
Everyone will want to stay for the Post-Race PARTY, dinner, and awards at Topock66 Colorado River. Bring your favorite 1950s or 1960s threads for some extra kicks!
*Note runners over 70 will be granted one extra hour for each year of age over 70. Thus, the cutoff for runners that are 71 years old (yo) will be 61 hours; 75 yo = 65 hours; 79 yo= 69 hours; and so on. The race directors will coordinate with these runners regarding proceeding along the course after the ‘normal’ 60 hour cutoff.
All runners, team members, crew, and race volunteers must thoroughly read through, understand, and follow all of the Route 66 UltraRun Rules. Runners and Team members will be responsible to ensure that they; their crew members; any family, friends, or fans; and any others they invite, do so. We highly encourage runners to download, print, and bring a copy of the rules with them to the race.
Each runner must be supported by a crew vehicle with at least 2 people crewing/in the vehicle at all times. We highly recommend 3 or 4 crew people, working in shifts, for runners that anticipate taking longer than 24 hours, and especially if you anticipate a 40 to 60 hour finish time. We recommend using or renting a minivan for crew to work out of, and using a smaller shuttle vehicle so you can have the crew work in shifts.
Many of you have probably used a crew with a crew support vehicle at another long road race, like the Keys 100. A huge THANK YOU to Keys 100 Race Director Bob Becker for allowing us to use some of his fantastic information about crewing to share with you. We suggest you watch Bob’s video covering some crewing best practices here. Note that the advice about preparing for the heat and humidity will mostly not apply to the Route 66 UltraRun, as temperatures at over 5,200 feet in AZ in November may be as low as freezing, with high temperature at 477 feet at the Colorado River possibly close to 80. See the Weather section for more information.
In general, a crew is two to four people, working as a team, who are the runner’s primary source of support and encouragement throughout the race. The goal for each crew member must be helping the runner finish the race! Of course, you can and should have fun out there – enjoy the company of your team; meet and help other runners and their crew; get to know our special guests, medical staff, race marshals, and volunteers; soak in the scenery and the history; and visit with hotel and shop owners and employees along the way – while never losing focus of the responsibility to your runner and team. Support the local businesses too! If you find treasures or mementos you simply ‘must have’ or you need supplies for you and your runner, make that purchase.
There is no room for personal goals. Crew do not have any hidden agendas, such as getting to run/pace so many miles or simply having a vacation to see Route 66. There’s no room for big egos on a crew. You must take care of yourself in order to take care of your runner. Attitudes of “I can do it all, I don’t need any rest, my nutrition is none of your business, or don’t you dare ask what color my pee is” have no place in the Route 66 UltraRun.
The crew leapfrogs the runner in a dedicated support vehicle, meeting the runner every few miles – where it’s safe, legal, and allowed by the rules – to take care of their needs. We suggest 2-4 miles, depending on how your runner is doing, temperature and hydration needs, nutritional requirements, weather, night gear on/off, etc. The crew:
At the Route 66 UltraRun, crew members may also pace the runner where allowed. A Crewing Guidance document for the Route 66 UltraRun will be added soon. This document will provide guidance regarding the following, and much more.
Have all of your crew members review this document carefully. You may ask your crew chief to download, print, and bring these guidelines to the race.
See WHERE TO STAY for suggestions about hotels in Peach Springs and/or Kingman to use for exchanging crew members if you will have more than two crew people, which we HIGHLY recommend if you expect to take more than 24 hours to complete the race, and especially if you anticipate a finish time of 40 to 60 hours. Money saved means nothing if everyone doesn’t stay safe out there!
The Race Rules provide detailed information related to crewing.
As noted above, we highly recommend using or renting a minivan for your crew to work out of, and using a smaller shuttle vehicle if you will have your crew work in shifts. There will be a maximum size limit of 20 feet in length due to restrictions on Sitgreaves Pass, and a maximum of approximately 8 feet in width.
The Race Rules provide detailed information about what vehicles are, and are not, allowed.
If you want to use pacers, they must already be a part of your crew. Pacers will be allowed after the first mile of the course. Pacers do not need ‘Pacer’ race number/bib, but must abide by all race rules. See the Race Rules for more detailed information regarding pacing.
This information includes the option of flying into/out of Phoenix, rather than just looking at Las Vegas, as well as considering Flagstaff, or driving to/from the race.
See WHERE TO STAY AND THINGS TO DO for lodging option in Seligman, Peach Springs, Kingman, and in around Oatman and Topock66. Note that we did not research lodging in Needles, Lake Havasu City, Laughlin, Parker, Phoenix, nor Las Vegas. We have provided information on things to do along the Route 66 race route, as well as some options in Lake Havasu City.
For more information about shopping, restrooms, etc. see the RESOURCE ALONG THE ROUTE document.
If you fly into Phoenix, we strongly suggest that you do all of your main shopping for food and supplies in the Phoenix area, as there are limited options in the small towns along the way, Ash Fork, and Seligman.
Total drive time from the Phoenix airport to Seligman is 2 hours 45 miles to cover 173 miles.
Get rooms in Seligman for the night of the Nov 10. Then, get room(s) along the course (Peach Springs and/or Kingman) during the race.
Be sure to stay for the post-race festivities on Nov 13 – you and your crew will want to stay for the fun! To do so, here are some options:
If you fly into Las Vegas, you could do your shopping in Las Vegas, or wait until you get to Kingman. Here’s info on both options:
Get rooms in Seligman for the night of Nov 10. Then, get room(s) along the course (Peach Springs and/or Kingman) during the race.
Be sure to stay for the post-race festivities on Nov 13 – you and your crew will want to stay for the fun! To do so, here are some options:
You may also consider flying into/out of Flagstaff; however, detailed information is not provided for this option. While Flagstaff is closer to the Route, flights are likely to be more expensive, and resources, such as rental minivans with stow-and-go seats, might be limited at the airport or other locations in town and may also be more expensive than Phoenix or Las Vegas. If you do fly into Flagstaff, we suggest getting rooms in Seligman for the night of Nov 10. Then, get room(s) along the course (Peach Springs and/or Kingman) during the race. Be sure to stay for the post-race festivities on Nov 13, so consider an AirBnB in or around Topock, Oatman cabin rentals, or another option in a city close to Topock that’s along the route back to Flagstaff for the night of Nov 13.
Of course, there is always the option – especially if you are in or near Arizona – of driving to the start in Seligman on Nov 10 and getting hotel rooms in Seligman for the night. Then, get room(s) along the course (Peach Springs and/or Kingman) during the race. Be sure to stay for the post-race festivities on Nov 13, so consider an AirBnB in or around Topock, Oatman cabin rentals, or another option in a city close to Topock that’s along your route home for the night of Nov 13.
Here are some options for where to stay along the Route.
The official race hotel for the Route 66 UltraRun is the Route 66 Canyon Lodge Motel, 22340 Historic Route 66. Before the race start on Nov 11 you can find your Race Directors, medical personnel, race marshals, photographer and videographer, special guests, and volunteers at the Canyon Lodge.
We are happy to recommend the following motels in Seligman for our runners and their crew:
Both the Supai Motel and Deluxe Inn are owned and operated by the same folks, and are good options as well. Note that they do not have their own websites, but you can call them or use your favorite booking site to make reservations.
There are Airbnb options in Seligman, although we have not personally checked them out at this time.
The Route 66 UltraRun will have a time station near the Hualapai Lodge in Peach Springs. In addition to a room for our time station volunteers, we will have a room at the Lodge for medical staff or urgent runner or crew needs.
Note that this hotel and time station are at race mile (RM 46). We anticipate that the fastest runners may reach this point as early as 2-3PM on Nov 11 so, there is likely no need for faster runners and their crew to get a room at the Lodge.
However, slower runners may not pass through until 2-4AM on Nov 12, which will be 19 to 21 hours after the race start. So, if you are in this group, you may consider getting a room at the Lodge to take a break. Or, if you have more than 2 crew people and a shuttle vehicle, have some of your crew use the shuttle vehicle to drive ahead to stay here on the afternoon/night of Nov 11 to get some rest; then you can exchange crew people at this point.
There are numerous options for hotels in Kingman, which will be race miles (RM) 78 to 88.
We anticipate that the fastest runners may travel through Kingman as early as 8:30PM to 10PM on Nov11. So, again, there is likely no need for faster runners and their crew to get a room in Kingman although, if you do have more than 2 crew, we recommend making a shift change here.
Slower runners are not likely to run through Kingman until 3:00-6:30PM on Nov 12., which will be 33 to almost 48 hour (two full days) after the race start. So, if you are in this group, especially if you didn’t change crew folks at Peach Springs, we strongly suggest you get a room in Kingman to exchange your crew to keep everyone safe. To this end, we want to share this ‘public service announcement’
Your Race Directors have personally stayed at the Ramada by Wyndham Kingman. If you get a remodeled room, we can recommend it as a place stay; although we do not necessarily recommend the in-house restaurant.
DROWSY DRIVING is as dangerous as drunk driving! In controlled studies where researchers were able to measure the amount of sleep deprivation, drunk and drowsy driving both result in a similar number of crashes.
Do NOT put your crew, other drivers, yourself as a runner, pedestrians, and wildlife along the route at risk! Exchange and refresh your crew.
Please, be smart. No amount of money saved will make a bit of difference if someone gets hurt. As a runner, it is your responsibility to keep your crew rested so they will be safe drivers on the road and functional to meet your needs.
There are no hotels or short term rentals (STR) homes in Oatman. You should consider hotels or STRs in Kingman during and possibly after the race, and hotels or STRs in Topock/Golden Shores, AZ or Needles, CA for Monday night after the Awards Banquet.
There are some AirBnB options in and near Topock66 Colorado River, although we have not personally checked them out at this time.
Your Race Directors have truly fallen in love with the Route 66 UltraRun course. As you may know, in late February/early March 2022, we walked the each and every mile – and more – of the course you as a runner will step upon, and your crew will drive and experience, as a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association. We walked from 18 miles east of Seligman to Topock66 Colorado River, which was 158 miles, or 6 Marathons in 6 Days on Route 66. The history, the beauty, the places, and the people that fight to keep it all alive inspired us to put the Route 66 UltraRun together for you!
It is our honor and undeniable (at least to us) responsibility to introduce you to all that we experienced and fell in love with. We don’t want the Route 66 UltraRun to be ‘just another race’ about the runners, and definitely not just about the elite and most competitive runners, although we will always welcome, support, and cheer on the best in athletic competition! We do want this to be “A Race for Everyone.”
‘Everyone’ includes the Hualapai Tribe and their history, and all of the residents, lodging and shop owners and their employees, and attractions along the Route. We want each and every runner and their crew to experience, appreciate, and support it all! So, if you are a runner that might finish as early the morning hours of Nov 12, please, please, please plan on sticking around until the post-race dinner, awards, and 50s and 60s party the evening in Nov 13. Not just to share in the fun with all of the runners and their crew, as well as race staff and volunteers, but to take some time to visit all of the amazing things Route 66 has to offer. Similarly, if you might be one of the runners that will take close or up to the 60 hours to complete the 140 miles, please consider coming out early or staying at least an extra day after the finish to do the same. In addition to the information included here, see the Resources Along the Route document (and section, below) for more information.
We encourage you to bring your family and invite your friends to learn about and experience this invaluable and unique piece of Americana. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
Here are just some of the things you can do and experience before, during, and/or after the race.
Look for special discounts/coupons in your race swag bag at check in!
Angel & Vilma Delgadillo’s Original Route 66 Gift Shop is where the movement to recognize Route 66 has Historic all started! When I-40 opened on September 22, 1978, the stream of cars the businesses in Seligman, and all along Route 66, depended on to sustain their businesses and livelihoods, completely stopped. Angel thought that if the State of Arizona made Route 66 a historic highway travelers would be reminded of the option of a slower, nostalgic, and more scenic route that meandered through the small forgotten Arizona towns. Working with other concerned citizens and business owners along the Route, the Historic Route 66 Association of Arizona was founded, the first group of its kind. In November of 1987, the State of Arizona christened U.S. 66 from Seligman to Kingman as “Historic Route 66.” More sections followed, and other states along Route 66 copied Angel’s model. It can truly be said that, without Angel, Route 66 would only be a memory, not an iconic piece of Americana, here for you to enjoy. The Route 66 UltraRun will start right in front of Angel & Vilma’s Gift Shop, and Angel himself will be our race starter. What could be more fitting?
The Grand Canyon Caverns were created over 65 million years ago, formed within the limestone that was once the bottom of an ancient inland sea that divided North America. These are the largest dry caverns in the U.S.A. You don’t want to miss seeing the (how many toes?) sloth and other, literally, cool things in the caverns. These caverns are actually right along Route 66 – not at Grand Canyon National Park. If you’re especially daring – at least in Heather’s opinion – think about staying a night in the Cavern Suite.
If you need beautiful place to while you and your crew (and maybe your family?) explore Route 66 before and/or after the race, we highly recommend the Hualapai Lodge
You can also use the Lodge as your base to make a trip to Grand Canyon West home to the world-famous Skywalk. While a member of tribe offered to take your RDs to this part of the Hualapai Reservation at the West Rim of the Canyon, Heather has said, “No way could I walk out there.” Will you?
In 1926 when Route 66 was aligned in the area, service stations opened along the highway and the Hackberry General Store opened. Business declined when Route 66 between Kingman and Seligman was bypassed by I-40 in late 1978. There’s a lot to see when you visit the store. There are vintage cars outside from the “good old days” of the Mother Road. The place is full of gadgets, signs, mementos, billboards, and artifacts from the 1940s through the 1960s. It is a journey through time to stop at the shop. Stop in: the store has all kinds of Route 66 souvenirs so you can pick your choice!
Was the gigantic tiki head placed by aliens? Perhaps! Come check it out for yourself in Antares. Let us know if you would want to battle the Guardian of the Route. The retro signage is groovy! And there’s a small store for supplies and gifts. Keep up with what’s new on their Facebook page.
A must stop is the Historic Powerhouse that is home to the Kingman Visitor Center headquarters of the Route 66 Historic Association of Arizona and their gift shop, as well as the Route 66 Museum. In the parking lot, be sure to get a photo of your crew van driving through the Kingman Route 66 shield.
There is so much to do and see in Kingman. Check it out including several additional museums, some fun restaurants and breweries on Beale Street, and Mr. D’z Route 66 Diner. What could be better than a burger, fries,and a shake, or a good breakfast, at an old-fashioned diner?!
Cats have nine lives. Phoenix’ rise from the ashes. Cool Springs Camp gives them both a run for their money! This nifty old rough stone service station was built in the 1920s, flourished in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, only to be abandoned in the early 1960s, and burned down in the mid-60s. It was briefly in brought back to life in 1991 when Hollywood used it as a location for their movie “Universal Soldier”. Then, they blew it up.
Leaving it in ruins once more. It would stay this way until it was resurrected in 2006 as a gift shop offering Route 66 souvenirs and one of a kind Cool Springs memorabilia, as well as serving as a mini museum. Located on Route 66, also known as the Oatman Highway in this area, Cool Springs is nestled in the shadow of Thimble Butte just before the road climbs into the Black Mountains up Sitgreaves Pass to Oatman. Plan to spend some time in the area exploring.
There’s no place like Oatman. Where else do you have wild donkeys, descendants of the beast of burden used by miners, wondering the streets, looking for handouts? And possibly a bag of roasted nuts or a purse to snatch (be careful!). Plus, covered sidewalks, plank floors, and corrugated tin walls giving it an authentic Old West feel, which is further enhanced by gunfights in the street. When Route 66 abandoned Oatman, mining kept it alive, while tourism is the primary source of revenue today.
There are numerous stores to explore and make your purchases; but be sure to stop by Fast Fanny’s Place and say hello to April Etue, who has been a great ally to your RDs, source of information and connections, and supporter of the Alzheimer’s Association in memory of her mom.
We are so excited to be allowed to have our finish line at Topock66 Colorado River. Our post-race dinner (no, not cold pizza!), awards ceremony, and party will also be held at Topock66. For some extra Kicks, bring your favorite 1950s or 1960s threads! Vintage or otherwise. Your RDs will definitely be sporting their best . . . maybe even some original Chuck Taylor Converse All Stars that were someone’s first “running” shoes. Enjoy the pool deck, bar, patio, food, beverages, and unique stools.
There are some water sport options in the area to keep you and your crew entertained. Check out Topock Rental for jet skis and boats (928) 750-1262. Or contact Jerkwater in Topock/Golden Shores to plan a paddle trip (928) 768-7753.
Just a 40 minute drive from Topock66, there’s more than just the London Bridge to see in Lake Havasu City. Travel up the Topock Gorge (it’s beautiful!) using Bluewater Jet Boat Tours or Lake Havasu Boat Tours. Rent a canoe or kayak at Western Arizona Canoe and Kayak Outfitters (WACKO). Learn more about things to do in Havasu at
We have put together a detailed document of Resources Along the Route that will be of great help in planning your race, as well as an invaluable resource to your crew during the race. Download and print out this document and bring it with you to the race. At the pre-race meeting we will ask your crew chief to show us a copy of this document. Keep the Resources document it in your crew vehicle for the entire race. In addition to the following, it provides first responder locations and contact information, including law enforcement and fire/emergency medical response (EMR) – think EMTs, paramedics, and/or ambulances – that are critical for you to have out there on the Route. By location, the Resources document provides information about:
There is separate section for Towing and Auto Repair, and an Emergency Resources section with the first responder information mentioned above, as well as numbers for key race staff.
Did you know it snows in Arizona? Well, it does! And it’s possible to have snow along on the Route, especially the first 37 miles of the Route from Seligman to Peach Springs.
Did you know Seligman is at almost the same elevation as the Mile High city of Denver, CO? Well, at 5,258 feet, it is. Average November temperatures range from 28° to just 62°F. So pack warm clothes, in layers. And make sure your crew is prepared for cold weather too!
Did you know you might be able to swim in the pool at Topock66 Colorado river in November. Well, if it reaches the average high of 78°F, you might just want your swimsuit! But nights there can get down to 37°F so you’ll need to keep your layers handy.
If you’re interested in working as a volunteer for the race, drop us a note and we’ll be in touch quickly!
Note that we need true volunteers: that is, the race budget does not allow for us to cover transportation/flights to/from the race, nor do we have any paid positions. If you fly (to Phoenix or Las Vegas) we may be able to arrange transportation/carpool to/from the airport with our other volunteers and staff, but cannot guarantee it.
We will provide lodging (hotel room or AirBnB house) during the race at or near the time stations and the finish line.
You will need to get your own food/meals during the race, as we simply cannot coordinate food purchases and deliveries, especially given various dietary choices (omnivore, keto, vegetarian, vegan, etc.) and preferences/likes/dislikes.
We have race marshals and medical personnel covered.
We have volunteers for the pre-race meeting and start line pretty well covered, but can always use some backup folks and possible extra hands.
We could use some additional volunteers for time stations along the route, and possibly at the finish. Here’s some general information of the location of those time stations and the finish line, when they need to be set up, hours they need to be staffed, and total hours that need to be covered. Ideally you will have your own transportation to get to/from the start to the time station(s), although we may be able to have you carpool with our other volunteers.
Time Station
Race Mile
Set Up
Total Hours STAFFED
Peach Springs
RM 46
MP 94
Before noon 11/11
1:30 PM 11/11 through Appx 4:30 AM 11/12
15 hours
RM 87
MP 53
Before 7 PM 11/11
7:30 PM 11/11 through Appx 7:30 PM 11/12
24 hours
RM 115
MP 25
Before dark 11/11
2:00 AM 11/12 through Appx 11:00 AM 11/13
45 hours
RM 140
MP 0
Before dark 11/11
2:00 AM 11/12 through 7:00 PM 11/13
53 hours
Questions? Comments? Let’s hear it! We’re quick to respond.